Tidball's Empty Bar
The local musician hotspot sits empty during the start of the COVID.

When the Coronavirus pandemic first hit and shutdowns began, no one knew how to react. Our local music venue and bar Tidball's, most known for being the starting point for Grammy award winning Cage the Elephant, decided to find new ways to reach their community.

Oh wait are we on?

Original Hosts

Brain Jarvis, David Downing, Nathan Morguelan, Jessi Wurth and myself started hosting a twice weekly two-hour live steam featuring community music contributions, phone calls, and general zanyiness.

Truly a collabrotive mind-meld, ideas were abundant, passions high, some toes were stepped on but every member brought unique and essential aspects to the production. Truly a special moment for all us.

Dave and Jarvis
We figured out as we went how to wrangle the chaos of multi-camera live streaming.

The community involvement was truly life changing. Heartfelt messages during calls, a comment section with unmatched enthusiasm and dedication, and even an unforgettable message of love from a new father were all unexpected and greatly appreciated.

And that's to say nothing of the music!

Homegrown Music

Girl Tones Steam Screenshot
The Girl Tones on a live stream in Tidball's during InsideOut.

Every town says their music community is special, but it's obvious the music community in Bowling Green did something special.

Artists from around Bowling Green and beyond wrote, recorded and performed hours of content in their own homes, that we were lucky enough to share on stream. Collabrations between new and old friends produced some genuinely amazing pieces under extraordinary circumstances.

Overall we estimated around 180 hours of streaming in 2020.

80% of that I'd say was community performances and contributions! I can't thank all the artists that contributed enough.

Above and Beyond

John Tidball playing some Boston Beans, don't ask
John Tidball playing some Boston Beans dressed as White Lion, don't ask.

The community as well as the core crew at Yellowberi put in tons of time and effort on special segments.

Fueled by Dang-Dangs (Jarvis special InsideOut concoction) the streams featured call in segments, on location out on the town shoots, over produced music videos, frantic police light backed rants against Zuckerburg and much more.

Christmas Finale

Christmas Spectacular Final Haul

Like most good TV shows, InsideOut got a Christmas special, more about that here.