Another in a series of side projects scratching my own itches. Every sprint our Product Manager would complain about not being able to find a simple retro tool that allows for ranking by number of votes.

simpleretro retrospective
Retro runner's view with all session controls.

I was enjoying working with Firebase at the time, so I whipped up a quick tool with only the features we needed:

We got some nice use out of this guy. I designed some of the systems around the good faith of participants, some of the logic around card masking and maximum votes lives in the frontend. None of the developers involved got overly curious at what they might be able to affect but it's only a matter of time.

A retro participant's view
A retro participant's view

Firebase is great for throwing together apps really quickly. This project explored use of Firebase's Firestore emulation for a test suite which is quite ergonomic, as well as some handrolled "migrations" which were less so 🙂.